Our Impact

We impact the lives of thousands of children across the United States by providing them with gently used or brand new FREE diverse books.  Books are distributed to underfunded schools, libraries and organizations where there was a need for diverse books.  Ultimately, our goal is to collect at least 2,500 (or more) children's books from generous and willing donors across the country each year. We’re proud to say we DID it TWICE already and we’re currently doing it for a THIRD time!



Dollars Raised (OUR goal)

Our fundraising amount raised to date. The money we raise helps cover the cost of  shipping all collected books to each state (with the exception of Connecticut).  We also use any additional money to purchase new or used books in the event we don’t meet our goal of collecting 50 books for each state.



Years Serving communities

Our mother is the creator of  the blog and brand Here Wee Read.  She has been an advocate and champion for literacy for seven years.  This is our first community serviced based family initiative that has now turned into a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.



Thousand books COLLECTED

To date, we’ve collected over 5,000 books and donated them to kids across each of the 50 U.S. states.